Gepubliceerd op: woensdag 22 augustus 2012

De toekomst van de Amerikaanse roman: Ben Lerner

In de zomerreeks ‘The future of American fiction’ stelde Flavorwire enkele vragen aan hedendaagse veelbelovende Amerikaanse fictieschrijvers. Deze week is de dichter Ben Lerner aan het woord die met zijn roman uit 2004, Leaving The Atocha Station, de talk of the town was:

“I do experience some version of the tension or gap between the virtual and the actual whenever I write: there is always a difference between what I intended to make and what I’ve made. The materials always resist. But this doesn’t have to be described in terms of doom. It can also be described as discovery, that you discover the form and content of the work in the act of writing.” (lees het interview op Flavorwire)


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