Gepubliceerd op: maandag 19 december 2011

Early Bird Tickets voor Transmediale

Vandaag nog verkrijgbaar: Early Bird Tickets voor het Transmediale Festival dat tussen 31 januari en 5 februari 2012 plaats zal vinden in Berlijn.

Transmediale and CTM offer one of the world’s most pertinent and radically comprehensive review of how new technologies and digital culture are shaping our lives. Within its 25th anniversary edition in 2012 and its theme in/compatible transmediale–festival for art and digital culture berlin investigates the productive and destructive sides of incompatibility as a fundamental condition for cultural production in times of crisis.

De keynote-speakers van het symposium zijn Graham Harman, Jodi Dean en Matthew Fuller. Kunstenaars en collectieven die meedoen zijn Daniel García Andújar, Art 404, JK Keller, Chris Cunningham en vele vele anderen.

With transmediale 2012, we are investigating the productive and destructive sides of incompatibility as a fundamental condition for cultural production in times of crisis. In this context transmediale 2012 calls for a transversal approach. With our theme in/compatible we are acknowledging that there is equally the need for creative hacks and modifications, as there is a need for a refusal of the quick re-integration into business as usual.

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